Sunday, January 31, 2021

Only God Can Do This

To be a president a king or an emperor of country has to be almost impossible to deal with millions of people and not feel stressed. So much responsibility and that is only for one country!

God oversees the entire world with billions of people on earth his mind is so supreme human beings don't know his supreme powers.

Stands to reason why God Is The King Of His Universe! 

Friday, January 1, 2021

God's Supreme Mind

 You can take the greatest minds in the world today and pull their resources and they couldn't come close to God's mind. 

It is God who gives us the gifts we have, like mine for example! All of my blogs combined have been read in 185 foreign countries!

So if God gave me that type of extraordinary gift what would God's own mind be like? All the world leading scientists couldn't grasp. 

Because God Is The King Of Independence and no one can ever match his supreme intelligence!