Wednesday, September 30, 2020

God's Supreme Abilities

 I'd like to thank my readers for the steady traffic in September from different countries too, I'm sure our father is pleased that his children have taken an interest in this blog. 

It's so sad that God doesn't get the recognition publicly on the supreme that only he can do! Trust God and he will lead you in a better path in life he did for me. 

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Only God Can Do This

There are 6900 languages world wide to speak and understand all of them would require a genius. So I'm going to expand on another level to speak, read, and write all of them is not amazing for God but Supreme.

Has anyone ever been in a room full of people and they are talking all at once? Of course! Now think if they weren't only talking all at once all of them were speaking their own.

Conclusion God can understand each of them at the same time! How? could God do this?

Because God Is The King 👑