Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Power Of Powers From God

On earth there are many Kings and Queens who hold powers all over the world but when it comes to God The King Of Independence no one on earth or even in the universe has the power of powers as God has and by looking at this photo of a Monsoon proves that only God can create something so powerful and so scary it's enough to cause a world wide panic if it ever hit every single city in the world but it won't because only God controls it and no human being can create that.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

God Is Great

To my readers notice the photo here of a tidal wave which is something only our heavenly father can create no human hands can ever make something this massive and powerful.That greatness belongs to God who is not only The King Of Independence but also The King Of His Universe he can do anything he pleases and has shown all of us the things created on earth and in the universe belong only to God.